The creation of a monumental sculpture – Week 8

Day 36
Having spent a lot of time on the wings recently, I wanted to work on the hands. I still feel they look clumsy and don’t flow well with the form of the piece. I like what is happening with the main figure and feel I’m getting somewhere with the wings!
Day 37
I had Icarus lifted up so that I could start building the lower half of the sculpture.

Day 39
I put the first metal mesh pieces in place ready for the next lot of plaster work.
Day 40
I started to put the plaster on. I began with scrim dipped in plaster. This made a base for the rest of the plaster to hold on to. I then added more plaster on top of it. It will take ages before you see any shape.

At the end of the day Tris and Si put the scaffolding tower in place. This will enable me to work on the whole figure next week.