
Sculpture can be a major focal point in a garden

Whatever the time of year a piece of sculpture can enhance the pleasure of being in your garden.

Bronze sculptures can complement a garden in many ways, including through the warm, earthy tones of the metal’s natural patina. This colour can create a sense of harmony and balance with the surrounding greenery and foliage.

Bronze sculptures, in particular, are durable and long-lasting, making them a timeless addition to a garden. They can withstand the elements and maintain their beauty and elegance over time, adding to the garden’s character

A large piece of sculpture can be a major feature in a wide range of gardens, from the formal landscaped garden to the informal more traditional or cottage garden.

I have a selection of large bronze sculptures that can serve as a focal point in a garden or courtyard, drawing the viewer’s attention and providing a sense of visual interest.


Sculpture focal point in a garden

Icarus Collection

Icarus is a powerful symbol of ambition, recklessness, and the dangers of flying too close to the sun. The image of a man flying with outstretched wings made out of feathers is powerful and dramatic.

I have always been fascinated by the myth of Icarus and as a result have created a number of bronze sculptures of him rising, flying and falling.

My large and monumental sculptures of Icarus are particularly suited to a garden setting.



Figurative bronzes

Figurative bronzes

Figurative sculpture gives me the opportunity to capture and express emotions, movement, and other characteristics that may be more challenging to convey in two-dimensional art forms.

Sculptures such as those in my ‘Eve’ series, my ‘Bone Form’ series and my ‘Mask of Achilles’, are good examples of this. These are large bronze sculptures that are based on the female torso and the male face. These sculptures are ideal for an outdoor space such as a courtyard or garden.

My large and monumental bronzes now feature in a number of gardens. For photographs of the sculptures, and for more information about them, visit my website:

If you are interested in purchasing one of my sculptures or would like to discuss a commission, please contact me via or call 01252 795547.