Garden & Monumental Bronzes

Edition of 5
Height: 5m
Width: 4m
Price: £345,000

This work can be viewed at  Sculpture By The Lakes in Dorset.

Icarus Rising

Dorset sculpture park has large garden sculpture of Icarus that can be walked under.

This is Icarus at the peak of his joy and ecstasy, his trance like state before his world collapses. It is a moment of sheer pleasure and utter thrill and wonder. I have made the figure full of movement and youthful vigour; he is putting all his strength and energy into his push to reach the great height he desires.

Icarus is large enough to walk underneath. He has been placed at Sculpture By The Lakes with his face to the sun; his back has the morning light and his front the afternoon and evening light.

Finished this year, 2024, Icarus Rising took 18 months to produce and is the largest sculpture I have made to date.
